Urban land use plan is a tool to guide and manage the growth of cities in a planned
manner. The soul of land use plan lies in the preparation and its implementation. By having
this in consideration the main objective of this research is mainly targeted to assess and
evaluate effectiveness of land use and its development efficiency by taking DEBRE-BIRHAN
city as case study. This paper analyzed urban land use efficiency (ULUE) using structure plan
Besides this, qualitative data from secondary source were studied. Moreover, field observation
was conducted. Research findings showed that a prevalence of urban land use in-efficiency.
The problem of ULUE in the city could mainly attribute to strategically problem gap,
prediction limitation. To improve land productivity, limit eviction and ensure sustainable
urban growth the city should emphasis on improving ULUE. Therefore, controlling the
population growth, biophysical and economic factors with its associated impacts on the
natural environment requires the right policy packages by national and regional governments
such as awareness creation, provision of family planning services, increasing productivity,
working on the pushing factors of migration, controlling illegal settlements and use the right
land use plan are some of the actions should be taken by the city administration. This study
highlighted that a mere policy formulation is not enough to ensure efficient urban land use.