Traffic accidents are on increase in Ethiopia and it has resulted into unattainable crisis on economic, social also political aspects. From many causes of these phenomena, overloading of the vehicle takes the lion allotment. Effects of the overloading of the vehicle encompasses human life will be in drastic danger, unimaginable injuries to the passengers and individual and government economic crisis. Besides service life of the vehicle will decrease and tires are more prone to wear, steering control becomes more difficult and vehicles take longer to react to braking, decrease safety and driving comfort of the vehicle.
Firmly this bad practice has been seen in passenger and commercial vehicles. This research work focuses on commercial vehicles specifically on truck vehicles, because data shows that more percentage of overloading lay towards heavy vehicles.
This research work presents the overloading control and warning system by using load sensor which detects the weight of the vehicle. In case the weight is exceeding from the prescribed load, the audio and light warning system will activate to warn the driver. Further, the overload command is sent to the fuel system to shutoff the engine. Thus, the vehicle is not allowed to move unless the load comes under prescribed limits. The over load warning will give the tremendous advantage towards safety and reduce the loss of human life and economic crisis.
Finding the deflection of the leaf spring then by using potentiometer converting the deflection value into voltage in ten iteration is conducted. The voltage gab was examine and the first gab is normal load the second gab was warning and the last gab is fuel shutoff stage. Modeling the system in the MATLAB was conducted by setting the governing equation here the result show that the output is linear because the governing equation is linear so it implies the system is effective. In the MATLAB modeling load versus deflection and deflection versus voltage shows how the system is work and the result shows it is linear result. Finally by using protous software show how the system work.