Background: The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimated that there are 4.5 million victims of forced sexual exploitation worldwide; 98% of whom are estimated to be women and girls. In recent years, there has been a considerable consideration of sexual trafficking in Africa in general and the Sub-Saharan African region in particular as a real challenge due to low awarenessaboutit.Youthfemalesarethemosttargetedgroupofsexualtrafficking. Objective: To assess Awarenessof sex trafficking and associated factors among youth females inDebreBirhantown,NorthShewa,AmharaRegion,Ethiopia,2019. Methods: - Community based cross-sectional study was conducted to collect data from March 1th-30th2019 from a total of 582 youth females. The participants in the study were selected using systematicrandomsamplingtechniques.AstructuredAmharicversionquestionnairewasusedto collectdata.Datawereentered;cleanedandanalyzedusingSPSS 23.Logisticregression analysis was used to identify factors associated with sex trafficking awareness. The study findings were displayedbyusingtexts,tablesandfigures
Result: Three hundred (52%) of the participants had awareness about sexual trafficking. Mother’s education status (elementary& secondary)[AOR=2.068, 95%CI(1.079-3.963)] and[AOR=3.446, 95%CI(1.298-9.154)],parents’ occupation (Gov’tal employee)[AOR=2.2, 95%CI(1.02-4.747)],youth females’ occupation(Gov’tal work)[AOR=6.203, 95% CI(1.099-35.005)],having television at home [AOR=2.083, 95% CI(1.305-3.326)] and taking training on gender issues [AOR=3.887,95% CI: (2.591-5.832)] were the possible independent riskfactorsforawarenessof Sexualtrafficking Conclusion: In this study, sexual trafficking awareness was low among youth females. Mother education status, parents’ occupation, current jobs of participant, having television in home and have taking training on gender issues were significantly associated with awareness of sexual trafficking.Therefore, providingeducationaboutsexualtraffickingwillhelptoincreasesexual Traffickingawarenessamongyouthfemales.