rrigation project performance has been affected by complex and dynamic domestic factors
and serious external uncertainties. Therefore, the study aimed to identify the most important
factor that affects the performance of irrigation projects and their relationship to Basonna
Werana Wereda irrigation. We used SPSS version 23 for data entry and analysis, and the
spearman correlation coefficient was interpreted to analyze the correlation of key importance
indicators. Microsoft Excel was used to calculate the Relative Importance Index (RII). A total
of 101 questionnaires were distributed to owners, contractors, and consultants and 94
questionnaires (93%) were returned. In our study, key performance indicators were the
project's quality, cost, time, and productivity-related factors. The current study also indicated
that the top five important factors having the highest overall RII were the escalation of
material price, the cash flow, unavailability of resources, project size and complexity, and the
quality assessment system in the project. The overall perception of respondents regarding the
overall performance of the irrigation project was good. Project owners are recommended to
adapt schedule payments by due dates and use accounting and finance software. Also,
consultants should be more interested in choosing economic criteria to improve their
performance and increase owners' satisfaction. Moreover, contractors should consider the
political, economic, and business environment risks in their cost estimation to overcome
project delay, poor performance, and profit. Lastly, contractors should have adequate
contingency allowances to cover the increases in material and labor costs.